Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year, almost.

Oh my goodness...the end of December is near. Today was the real official last day of fall semester..dun..dun...dun..grades were posted! I have noticed on Facebook that many people acquired 4.0s or just really good grades for them. It is funny how many people were compelled to let the world know how the semester turned out via Facebook or Twitter status this morning.(Especially those who said how horribly they did.) I think that I might have kept that to myself. I mean, my mom and grandma are on Facebook! Scary thought..I know!

This year really has marked the crazy, over-exposure to technology for me. Currently I have a smart phone, so I am always plugged-in. (I guess that is how they put it?) I just learned, after moving into a new apartment, that it is virtually impossible to live without the internet. Did you know that you pretty much need to have an internet connection to get a new internet connection set up? Yeah, nowadays internet and cable companies would "prefer" to set up your account via email and online forms. Isn't that convenient? If I already had a connection at my apartment, I wouldn't be calling! I know. I am a little bitter. Back to the topic at hand. I now have a blog, a Twitter, a Myspace, a Facebook, yada, yada, yada. People keep sending me e-vites (yes, e-vites, not invites)to join another social networking site or upload photos or my life story to another website. It really is crazy. Like I said, even my mom and grandma are "hip" on Facebook (as my grandma would say.) She even wrote me "Happy Birthday" on Facebook this year. 2010 is basically going to be the all-digital, online conversion. I can feel it.

Anyway, this probably isn't very interesting to any readers, but I promise next year I will be back with more interesting, pertinent information for undergraduate or prospective undergraduate business students. (It is my New Year's resolution...at least one of them.)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Oh Fall/Winter?

So, I am officially a slacker! I blame it in part on forgetting my password, plus this semester has really just flown by. I know it probably seems like I feel that way about every semester, but that is probably because it does! Every semester goes by more and more quickly, especially with all of the things going on around campus.

It is already finals! Finally the weather feels like winter too. It was 18 degrees Fahrenheit when I arrived on campus this morning. Eeeek! I don't know if I can handle this for very long.

On a more positive note than the weather, the last few weeks it seems like great things have been happening at the DESB. Right before the snow they finally installed the crane to begin "real" construction on the new building. Too bad it is all snowy and frozen now. Oh well, at least there is some semblance of progress in our giant canyon between the buildings. Also, AMA has been working hard on re-branding, and I can't wait for the new semester ahead. Today at BSEC (Business Student Executive Council) Dean Taylor Randall addressed the crowd, gave us an update on some exciting changes, and took suggestions. It is really good to know that our administration actually cares what we think and wants to keep us updated.

Lastly, I promise to write again soon. I don't know how I didn't write at all this semester. I feel like a secret blog spy just removed some of my posts...I can always imagine it that way.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Construction Zone!

So we now live in a construction zone. Just for the next four years or so though (hopefully). As big of a hassle and pain that the construction is, it marks the beginning of some very exciting things for the school of business!

We will eventually have a big, beautiful new building. It might not be coming so soon for many of us, but it really shows the promise that the school has in the future. Who knows? Maybe in a few years I will be blogging about my MBA experience here?

On a slightly less exciting note, fall semester is right around the corner. I have decided it has lost its luster in recent years, because I don't get that super fun back-to-school shopping trip with my parents. Now it is just me trying not to max out the credit card on books and other random things that I need for class. However, fall semester does bring about some very fun activities as well.

It is almost time for the first club meetings, football games, plazafest and other free fair opportunities, sorority and fraternity recruitment, and all kinds of endless "new" and fresh things to do.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Top 10,,,make that 9

The other day when I ran into a girl and her parents looking around the University, I remembered how big and complicated it all seemed when I first arrived at campus. I can remember not being quite sure which building was where, and for what reason Foothill Blvd. turned into 500 South and then turned into 400 South. **That really through me through a loop at first**

I have seen many students wandering their way around to orientations, tours, or advising appointments lately. (You can always tell if a person is new by the campus map stuck to the end of his or her nose.) Really quickly the U became an easy campus to maneuver, and now the only big problem is the massive amounts of construction. I swear those fences keep spreading farther and farther out!

I can however remember my first few days on campus. I feel for those newbies: It was scary! Trust me though, now the only time it seems like a huge campus is when you have 15 minutes to be at your next class, and of course you didn't think about what buildings they were in when you signed up!

This is my advice for these new students:

1. Look not only at times, but locations. Don't schedule classes on President's Circle and the HYPR buildings back to back...rushing is no fun.
2. Don't take a 7:30 class. Just because you made it on time in high school, doesn't mean that you won't sleep through 50% of the semester. Try an 8:10 or 8:30 first...then you will know what you really can handle.
3. It is nice to have a couple of days of the week off, but do you really want to be taking mid-terms in four classes on the same two days? No! It is dreadful.
4. Listen to your advisor...They usually know what they are talking about! There are plenty of "fun" classes that will actually count for something.
5. Don't hesitate to take a fitness/outdoor class. Your first semester it can't hurt to be forced to exercise at least once a week.
6. Night classes are beneficial when you have a job, or other commitments--but they aren't so great when all of your friends are going to dinner or playing XBox in the dorms. I think it is near impossible to take more than one a semester and not miss out on important "college" stuff.
7. Say "hi" to people in class...it is tough, but having a friend to borrow notes from is essential in any class.
8. Join something! A club, an organization, a study group, a sports league...whatever. Just do something, because when you are older you won't have the same opportunities.
9. Most importantly...drumroll...Have fun! Studying is important and so is working hard, but these are the "best years of our lives". Once it is gone you will wish that you just kicked back sometimes. I am half-way through, and I already wish that I could be a freshman again sometimes :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer School

So, I thought that things would get less hectic and crazy once my finals were over. It didn't happen. I attended a couple of friends' and relatives' graduations and then it has been back to school! One great thing about summer classes is that some of them are short. I had my first midterm last week in an economics class that I am taking.

It is funny how when we are kids we associate summer school with the kids failing classes, and now most of the adults that I talk to think that I am "smart" for taking summer school.

I don't know how smart it was, but I like to think about it this way: I would much rather be a little busy than super bored all summer. The best way to manage it is to get your homework finished during the week, so I have the weekends to enjoy summer.

Forgive me for the lack of flow of this last post, but I am trying to get used to writing them again. There is something about summer that makes doing anything more difficult for me!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The End is Near!

Isn't it interesting how that would usually be a dismal announcement? However, when students are thinking of how the end of Spring semester is near, it is a jubilant occasion! So here we are, just one day away from the last day of classes. Now what?

Now it is time to push through the final few finals and tests...it is so hard! The tests aren't unusually hard, but it is just so close to summer! As far as nice weather making it hard to get things done, college students are about as well-off as elementary school students! We just don't have the fun root beer float parties anymore :( I guess end of the year BBQs are just as good, but the excitement of filling in each letter of "root beer float" is not comparable.

Along with all of this fun end of the year excitement, I have come to realize that I am old! I am going to be a junior in college...for real, not just in credit hours. Two years have flown by. I think they are right when they tell you that the older you get, the faster it goes. Now I am thinking about internships and interviews and resumes and cover letters. Just two years ago I was graduating high school--weird, that seems like a lifetime ago.

Well, I should probably work on studying for those last three finals...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Showers!

Oh my goodness, it has been a really long time since I have updated this blog! The weeks have just flying by...so quickly that we only have 3 more weeks of school left! (That is until summer semester starts, but in the theme of positivity I will forget that part for now.)

Last time I wrote I was talking about crazy March weather, but you know what they say about April showers. However, I don't think that they meant snow showers! Today it happens to just be rain, and hopefully it stays that way. You might ask what this has to do with Undergraduate Studies at the U? It is terrible to trek around campus in precipitation!

Anyway, back to school stuff. The last week in March I went on a trip with the school to a marketing conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. We had an amazing time! Not only did we get to experience the French Quarter, the conference itself was really great. After working for hours on our case submission for the national competition, we got some recognition (semi-finalists!) and even got the chance to watch the winning case team present. It was great to see that they had some similar ideas, and also to get some pointers for when we are finalists next year :).

Even though I loved skipping some classes to go to New Orleans, I feel like I have been playing catch up ever since. The end of the semester is just a crazy time! There are so many fun things going on, like the Grand Kerfuffle (featuring Lupe Fiasco this year). The weather is even getting better (I think that I over exaggerated the showers). It is really hard to focus on tying up all of those loose ends in class. I just keep thinking that if I push through I only have a few more classes!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Madness

Not only is it time to fill in brackets for the NCAA tournament, but for students at the U, March is all kinds of madness in lots of other ways too.

Finally spring break is here! Sounds like sandy beaches and bikinis...not. The majority of the students that I know(including myself) are still here in Utah. It is definitely a welcome break though, even if I am just hanging out at home. Somehow it seems like the spring semester just flies by every year.

Elections are over, exams looming, and in most of my classes just one or two chapters left. I am excited and dreading the end of the semester at the same time. I can't wait for summer, but I don't want to do all of the fun final exams! I also just realized that I am going to be a junior--in both credits and years. SCARY!

At least the weather is sunny and warm in Utah. It tones down the scariness of the growing up situation. There really are so many things to do in the great outdoors around Salt Lake City. People are still skiing in the mountains and yesterday I went for a jog in shorts. This March weather is just madness!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Food and a free T

Campus is buzzing with activity centered around ASUU elections. There are green, orange, and yellow shirts everywhere! It will be nice to wear a non-neon shirt after the elections!

Elections are sort of a crazy time on campus. I can remember last year, when I didn't really know what was going on. All of a sudden there were floods of people wearing the same shirt and handing out food. It was a pretty good deal at the time. As I walked across campus, I got breakfast and a free t-shirt. Who wouldn't like that?!

Anyway...I am off to do some volunteering, so I will have to write more later!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Opportunities are knocking...

This is the first of a series of blogs devoted to helping prospective students get a feel for the undergraduate business school at the University of Utah.

I don’t usually offer up my writing for the public to read, so please excuse any minor grammatical errors that I am sure to make. I am a sophomore at the university, majoring in marketing. A side note on that topic is that I actually haven’t taken a marketing class yet, so I guess that isn’t set in stone. Recently I have been pondering switching my major to finance. It is still early; I was just admitted into the upper division status for this semester. I am involved in several student groups, particularly in the school of business, and that will be the main topic of the blog, the whole “college experience.”

I guess that the best way to start most things is to dive right in. The shock of the cold water goes away faster. There is a lot to say about the David Eccles School of Business(DESB). I am sure that it is also a very different experience for each student that goes through the program, but luckily for all the readers of this blog, they get to hear mine.

Here we are almost half-way through the Spring semester, and what is going on for undergrads? Tons of stuff. I know--that was super articulate. It is the truth however. In the last week I have heard from an entrepreneur about hard work and success in one luncheon, mingled with influential business professionals at another luncheon, took a statistics mid-term, went to candidate orientation for elections to represent the business school in the student assembly, registered for a career conference, and even squeezed in a little time for socializing and homework.

That is what the business program here at the University of Utah is all about: opportunity. During a presentation for one of the clubs that I am in, the American Marketing Association (AMA), the speaker talked about this exactly. He said that the best thing that anyone can do for any career is get involved and build leadership skills. In the last two weeks alone, I can think of countless ways that I have been able to do just that. He said that is exactly how the company he works for, Target, looks for employees; they look very highly upon someone who can step into a leadership role with ease.

So, the DESB gets a A+ for opportunities to get involved. I am off to do some finance homework. (Yes…unfortunately we don’t just get to do fun stuff. Homework is a must for any business school.)