Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Madness

Not only is it time to fill in brackets for the NCAA tournament, but for students at the U, March is all kinds of madness in lots of other ways too.

Finally spring break is here! Sounds like sandy beaches and bikinis...not. The majority of the students that I know(including myself) are still here in Utah. It is definitely a welcome break though, even if I am just hanging out at home. Somehow it seems like the spring semester just flies by every year.

Elections are over, exams looming, and in most of my classes just one or two chapters left. I am excited and dreading the end of the semester at the same time. I can't wait for summer, but I don't want to do all of the fun final exams! I also just realized that I am going to be a junior--in both credits and years. SCARY!

At least the weather is sunny and warm in Utah. It tones down the scariness of the growing up situation. There really are so many things to do in the great outdoors around Salt Lake City. People are still skiing in the mountains and yesterday I went for a jog in shorts. This March weather is just madness!

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