Friday, May 7, 2010

Graduation Day, and the 1 year countdown!!!

So today is the day. Commencement ceremonies are underway, and I am officially finished with my 3rd year of undergraduate work! Whew! It has been a long and interesting journey. The best part about it is that next year it will be me wearing one of those giant graduation gowns receiving my empty diploma case as all of my closest family and friends try and snap a few good photographs. Let's just hope it is actually Spring weather for graduation next year. (I is a long-shot, but worth a little wish.)

Maybe I will wish on a the night sky. Has anyone else heard that song on the radio a million times? It is seriously driving me crazy! It is so catchy though. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Graduation: an important milestone for you parents. My roommate was complaining last night that her mom "suggested" she not only go to the commencement for her college, but the general commencement as well. Her big thing was that her parents didn't pay for her tuition or other school expenses, but let's get real...Parents pay for a whole lot of stuff leading up to this big moment...we owe them. Yes. I said stuff. Put on the goofy gown and let them take hundreds of pictures, even if only 3 or 4 are acceptable. Today seems completely normal to all of us students, but somewhere else in the world...See, our parents' influence is inevitable. (I just used the opening from when I didn't eat my vegetables or complained about anything trivial.)

Speaking of parents, it is Mother's Day Sunday! (So for all of you who forgot, try to control yourself on Saturday night, so that you can let your mom know bright and early on Sunday just how wonderful she is! Whether you fight like cats and dogs or are super duper close, she is amazing. Haven't you seen people give birth on tv shows? I know, I know, it isn't "realistic," but if the real deal is anything like that--I give props to anyone who has went through it!)

Okay, I have officially went from Graduation, to top 40 music, to childbirth...This post has passed the randomness of many others. Happy Graduation Day! (Even if you aren't graduating, celebrate! Any excuse for a good meal and fun with friends, right?!)

Friday, February 5, 2010


Last time I blogged, I was talking about a "creative piece" that I had to write for my writing class, and I thought that was out of my comfort zone. Who would have known that almost every class this semester has basically thrown me overboard...there was always a life preserver near by if I needed it.
In an entrepreneurship class my teacher has been sending us on all kinds of adventures. He puts us in groups, gives us a task and 30 minutes. What we come up with is up to us. It is so much better than listening to a boring lecture for three hours!
I feel like now that I am out of all of the introductory classes, everything, even the stuff that I don't particularly like, is much more interesting. Plus, I have found that some of the professors, while still demanding, are more engaged. Maybe it is the smaller classes. Who knows? Anywho--it makes for a much more exciting school schedule.
Oh yes, and I did finish my "creative piece." It actually went quite well. I am revising it right now...the hardest part! I learned so much about my classmates as we went through all of the essays.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well isn't it just grand to be back at school? Not really! Over the break, I was anxious and even excited to start the new semester. After attending all of my classes at least once, I can officially say that I had a crazy moment. The learning, classes, and reading aren't so bad. It is the schedule. For some reason right when school starts it is impossible to go to sleep at night and then impossible to wake up at the crack of dawn (usually 7-ish or 8-ish...super early for college students).

I have had some very interesting classes so far however. I think that I am going to enjoy all of my professors quite a bit. My writing professor does scare me though. If there is one thing that terrifies most of the business majors that I know, it is writing a CREATIVE piece! Of course, that is exactly my first assignment. It is non-fiction, so I can draw it from my own personal life, but it is just one of those things that when someone asks me to think of something profound or life altering: blank mind. Horrible. My life has been altered in so many ways, so many times, but I can't seem to find a moment to pin-point for my essay.

Even though my mind is still fishing for a topic, I can say that I learned one very, very positive thing today. Bum...Bumm...Bum...I actually learned a lot in Business 1051 (Foundations of Business Thought). I answered 2 questions in my writing class based on excerpts that I read in that class...Two and a half years ago!

I will let you know how the "creative" piece goes. I guess this semester will be all about jumping out of my comfort zone.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year, almost.

Oh my goodness...the end of December is near. Today was the real official last day of fall semester..dun..dun...dun..grades were posted! I have noticed on Facebook that many people acquired 4.0s or just really good grades for them. It is funny how many people were compelled to let the world know how the semester turned out via Facebook or Twitter status this morning.(Especially those who said how horribly they did.) I think that I might have kept that to myself. I mean, my mom and grandma are on Facebook! Scary thought..I know!

This year really has marked the crazy, over-exposure to technology for me. Currently I have a smart phone, so I am always plugged-in. (I guess that is how they put it?) I just learned, after moving into a new apartment, that it is virtually impossible to live without the internet. Did you know that you pretty much need to have an internet connection to get a new internet connection set up? Yeah, nowadays internet and cable companies would "prefer" to set up your account via email and online forms. Isn't that convenient? If I already had a connection at my apartment, I wouldn't be calling! I know. I am a little bitter. Back to the topic at hand. I now have a blog, a Twitter, a Myspace, a Facebook, yada, yada, yada. People keep sending me e-vites (yes, e-vites, not invites)to join another social networking site or upload photos or my life story to another website. It really is crazy. Like I said, even my mom and grandma are "hip" on Facebook (as my grandma would say.) She even wrote me "Happy Birthday" on Facebook this year. 2010 is basically going to be the all-digital, online conversion. I can feel it.

Anyway, this probably isn't very interesting to any readers, but I promise next year I will be back with more interesting, pertinent information for undergraduate or prospective undergraduate business students. (It is my New Year's least one of them.)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Oh Fall/Winter?

So, I am officially a slacker! I blame it in part on forgetting my password, plus this semester has really just flown by. I know it probably seems like I feel that way about every semester, but that is probably because it does! Every semester goes by more and more quickly, especially with all of the things going on around campus.

It is already finals! Finally the weather feels like winter too. It was 18 degrees Fahrenheit when I arrived on campus this morning. Eeeek! I don't know if I can handle this for very long.

On a more positive note than the weather, the last few weeks it seems like great things have been happening at the DESB. Right before the snow they finally installed the crane to begin "real" construction on the new building. Too bad it is all snowy and frozen now. Oh well, at least there is some semblance of progress in our giant canyon between the buildings. Also, AMA has been working hard on re-branding, and I can't wait for the new semester ahead. Today at BSEC (Business Student Executive Council) Dean Taylor Randall addressed the crowd, gave us an update on some exciting changes, and took suggestions. It is really good to know that our administration actually cares what we think and wants to keep us updated.

Lastly, I promise to write again soon. I don't know how I didn't write at all this semester. I feel like a secret blog spy just removed some of my posts...I can always imagine it that way.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Construction Zone!

So we now live in a construction zone. Just for the next four years or so though (hopefully). As big of a hassle and pain that the construction is, it marks the beginning of some very exciting things for the school of business!

We will eventually have a big, beautiful new building. It might not be coming so soon for many of us, but it really shows the promise that the school has in the future. Who knows? Maybe in a few years I will be blogging about my MBA experience here?

On a slightly less exciting note, fall semester is right around the corner. I have decided it has lost its luster in recent years, because I don't get that super fun back-to-school shopping trip with my parents. Now it is just me trying not to max out the credit card on books and other random things that I need for class. However, fall semester does bring about some very fun activities as well.

It is almost time for the first club meetings, football games, plazafest and other free fair opportunities, sorority and fraternity recruitment, and all kinds of endless "new" and fresh things to do.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Top 10,,,make that 9

The other day when I ran into a girl and her parents looking around the University, I remembered how big and complicated it all seemed when I first arrived at campus. I can remember not being quite sure which building was where, and for what reason Foothill Blvd. turned into 500 South and then turned into 400 South. **That really through me through a loop at first**

I have seen many students wandering their way around to orientations, tours, or advising appointments lately. (You can always tell if a person is new by the campus map stuck to the end of his or her nose.) Really quickly the U became an easy campus to maneuver, and now the only big problem is the massive amounts of construction. I swear those fences keep spreading farther and farther out!

I can however remember my first few days on campus. I feel for those newbies: It was scary! Trust me though, now the only time it seems like a huge campus is when you have 15 minutes to be at your next class, and of course you didn't think about what buildings they were in when you signed up!

This is my advice for these new students:

1. Look not only at times, but locations. Don't schedule classes on President's Circle and the HYPR buildings back to back...rushing is no fun.
2. Don't take a 7:30 class. Just because you made it on time in high school, doesn't mean that you won't sleep through 50% of the semester. Try an 8:10 or 8:30 first...then you will know what you really can handle.
3. It is nice to have a couple of days of the week off, but do you really want to be taking mid-terms in four classes on the same two days? No! It is dreadful.
4. Listen to your advisor...They usually know what they are talking about! There are plenty of "fun" classes that will actually count for something.
5. Don't hesitate to take a fitness/outdoor class. Your first semester it can't hurt to be forced to exercise at least once a week.
6. Night classes are beneficial when you have a job, or other commitments--but they aren't so great when all of your friends are going to dinner or playing XBox in the dorms. I think it is near impossible to take more than one a semester and not miss out on important "college" stuff.
7. Say "hi" to people in is tough, but having a friend to borrow notes from is essential in any class.
8. Join something! A club, an organization, a study group, a sports league...whatever. Just do something, because when you are older you won't have the same opportunities.
9. Most importantly...drumroll...Have fun! Studying is important and so is working hard, but these are the "best years of our lives". Once it is gone you will wish that you just kicked back sometimes. I am half-way through, and I already wish that I could be a freshman again sometimes :)