Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year, almost.

Oh my goodness...the end of December is near. Today was the real official last day of fall semester..dun..dun...dun..grades were posted! I have noticed on Facebook that many people acquired 4.0s or just really good grades for them. It is funny how many people were compelled to let the world know how the semester turned out via Facebook or Twitter status this morning.(Especially those who said how horribly they did.) I think that I might have kept that to myself. I mean, my mom and grandma are on Facebook! Scary thought..I know!

This year really has marked the crazy, over-exposure to technology for me. Currently I have a smart phone, so I am always plugged-in. (I guess that is how they put it?) I just learned, after moving into a new apartment, that it is virtually impossible to live without the internet. Did you know that you pretty much need to have an internet connection to get a new internet connection set up? Yeah, nowadays internet and cable companies would "prefer" to set up your account via email and online forms. Isn't that convenient? If I already had a connection at my apartment, I wouldn't be calling! I know. I am a little bitter. Back to the topic at hand. I now have a blog, a Twitter, a Myspace, a Facebook, yada, yada, yada. People keep sending me e-vites (yes, e-vites, not invites)to join another social networking site or upload photos or my life story to another website. It really is crazy. Like I said, even my mom and grandma are "hip" on Facebook (as my grandma would say.) She even wrote me "Happy Birthday" on Facebook this year. 2010 is basically going to be the all-digital, online conversion. I can feel it.

Anyway, this probably isn't very interesting to any readers, but I promise next year I will be back with more interesting, pertinent information for undergraduate or prospective undergraduate business students. (It is my New Year's resolution...at least one of them.)