Friday, October 2, 2009

Oh Fall/Winter?

So, I am officially a slacker! I blame it in part on forgetting my password, plus this semester has really just flown by. I know it probably seems like I feel that way about every semester, but that is probably because it does! Every semester goes by more and more quickly, especially with all of the things going on around campus.

It is already finals! Finally the weather feels like winter too. It was 18 degrees Fahrenheit when I arrived on campus this morning. Eeeek! I don't know if I can handle this for very long.

On a more positive note than the weather, the last few weeks it seems like great things have been happening at the DESB. Right before the snow they finally installed the crane to begin "real" construction on the new building. Too bad it is all snowy and frozen now. Oh well, at least there is some semblance of progress in our giant canyon between the buildings. Also, AMA has been working hard on re-branding, and I can't wait for the new semester ahead. Today at BSEC (Business Student Executive Council) Dean Taylor Randall addressed the crowd, gave us an update on some exciting changes, and took suggestions. It is really good to know that our administration actually cares what we think and wants to keep us updated.

Lastly, I promise to write again soon. I don't know how I didn't write at all this semester. I feel like a secret blog spy just removed some of my posts...I can always imagine it that way.